Apuntes del Alcázar de Sevilla. Nº 16, 2015 - page 251

the Second Republic, took place the transfer of the group of pal-
aces contiguous to the Gran Palacio de Pedro I, being the process
definitely paralyzed by the Civil War, and stabilizing the status quo
through which the Seville City Council and the subsequent Patron-
age controlled an important part of the set, which were outside its
jurisdiction. However, such important parts of the Alcázar as the
original Alcazaba almost complete, with the Patio de Banderas and
its perimeter buildings, including the original door of the primitive
Alcázar and its walls, or even the Palacio de la Contratación and the
Postigo de la Judería.
Since then the public recovery of the said buildings and historical
sites has been an inalienable claim of the Seville municipality.
In this regard, on the occasion of the transfer of the Alcázar and
its Gardens, free of charge, by the Government of the Republic
to the city of Seville, by decree dated on April 22nd 1931, pub-
lished in the Gazette of Madrid on the 24th of the same month,
and the acceptance of the said transfer by the City Councl of Se-
ville, approved at the plenary session dated on July 26th 1931, and
considering that the register en public record of the transfer was
delayed as the City Council understood that it should include the
Huerta and the outbuildings comprised within the surrounding
walls, and not being expressly collected in the referred decree,
and in accordance with this position, the Mayor of Seville, Mr.
José González y Fernandez de Labandera, by letter dated on De-
cember 22nd 1931, requests to the Hon. Finance Minister the an-
nexed areas that are not specified in the Decree. In the said re-
quest, the urban properties belonging to the extinguished Royal
Heritage are related, and listed below:
• Patio de Banderas, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 y 12
• Callejón de las Cadenas o de la Judería, 1, 2, 3, 4 y 6
• Calle Vida, 4
• Calle Miguel de Mañara, 1
• Plaza de la Contratación, 3
• Calle Mariana de Pineda, 16 (actual nº 18)
• Calle San Fernando, 3
Among the listed buildings, the No. 6 of the Patio de Banderas has
already been transferred to the City Council of Seville.
This is intended to the following:
• Recovery of the Patio de Banderas buildings included in the request
made by theMayor of Seville, Mr. José González y Fernandez de
Labandera, by letter dated on December 22nd 1931, numbesr 3: 7-8,
9, 10, 11 and 12.
• Recovery of the rest of buildings that make up the Patio de
Banderas, numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, since all these
buildings were within the original Alcazaba, being the original
door of the Alcázar, currently restores, in the No. 16.
The affected cadastral plots are the following:
• Patio de Banderas nº 1
• Patio de Banderas nº 2 53180-61
• Patio de Banderas nº 3
• Patio de Banderas nº 4 53180-63
• Patio de Banderas nº 5 53180-64
• Patio de Banderas nº 7-8 53180-66
• Patio de Banderas nº 9 53180-67
• Patio de Banderas nº 10 53180-68
• Patio de Banderas nº 11 53180-69
• Patio de Banderas nº 12 53180-76
• Patio de Banderas nº 13 53180-77
• Patio de Banderas nº 14 53180-78
• Patio de Banderas nº 15 53180-79
• Patio de Banderas nº 16 53180-80
• Patio de Banderas nº 17 53180-81
• Patio de Banderas nº 18 53180-82
Action no. 6. Restoration of the building located in Patio
de Banderas no. 15 flags for creation of the center for
archaeological interpretation of the crypt.
The aim of this initiative was the creation of the Center for Archae-
ological Interpretation of the excavations at Patio de Banderas, in
the property located in the No. 15 of Patio de Banderas, and its res-
toration and adaptation for the intended use.
As already mentioned when describing the Action No.2 concern-
ing to the archaeological excavations and crypt in the Patio de
Banderas, after the excavation conducted in the same, it has been
decided by the General Directorate of Cultural Assets not to con-
duct the planned connection to access from this building to the
crypt, given the possibility that the said connection had an impact
on the existing archaeological remains in the Eastern side of the
Patio de Banderas. Therefore, it is considered that this action is
not necessary.
Action no. 7. Enhancement of the primitive gate of the
Alcázar, located in the no. 16 of Patio de Banderas.
Recovery of the building located at the No. 16 of Patio de Banderas
No. 16, plot where the original gate of the Alcázar is found. This
recovery will take place through the transfer to the City of Seville
by the Heritage of the State (Ministry of Environment).
Action no. 8. Incorporation of the building located at the no.
6 of calle Judería to the Alcázar
The Postigo de la Judería should be part of the architectural en-
semble of the Real Alcázar, as well as the rest of buildings located
within its walls. Its construction responded to the need to save a
transit irregularity justified by the reconstruction of the eastern
flank the citadel during the Almohad period, and since then it was
logically linked to that. It is incomprehensible that today there is a
situation that allows the entire original Alcázar and its main tran-
sits are out of its jurisdiction.
The Act for Spanish Historical Heritage, in its Article 37, paragraph
3, would justify in our opinion a step of jurisdiction of that prop-
erty in the public interest, under the foundation of the “incompat-
ibility for (private) use compared to its historical values” given the
fact that its private management “impedes a correct observation in
its totality of the protected cultural property”. Both circumstances,
listed in that paragraph of the Act, are collected as justification for
possible expropriation.
Based on the above, the Postigo de la Judería want to be recovered,
incorporating it to the Alcazar, giving a fair use to its historical
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