Sala del Techo de los Reyes Católicos – Chamber of the Catholic Kings Ceiling

Esta sala cuadrada que unía el ámbito privado con el público, está cubierta por una mag- nífica armadura realizada en época de los Reyes Católicos, como atestigua la decoración heráldica que acompaña a la labor de lazo. Se representan los emblemas de los Reyes Ca- tólicos del yugo, las flechas y el lema fernandino “tanto monta”. En el escudo, coronado por el águila de San Juan, aparecen representados todos los reinos de la Península Ibérica a finales del siglo XV: el Reino de Castilla, de León, de Aragón y de las dos Sicilias. La granada está representada en la parte inferior, lo que indica que se trata de una obra pos- terior a la victoria de la guerra contra Granada, acaecida en 1492.

This square room that joined the private with the public sector, is covered by a magnißcent ceiling carried out during the Catholic Monarchs reign, as attested to by the heraldic decoration that accompanies the interlaced patterns. It appears represented the emblems of the Catholic Kings: the yoke, the sheaf of arrows and the motto, “tanto monta". In the coat-of-arms, crowned by Saint John’s eagle, are represented all the kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the ßfteenth century: the kingdom of Castile, Leon, Aragon and the two Sicilies. The pomegrante is represented in the bottom, indicating that it is a later work to the victory in the war against Granada, which occurred in 1492.